We've all been there. If you are a mom then you've experienced some form of what they call the "baby blues". According to Mayo Clinic, there are more than 3 million cases of postpartum depression reported yearly in the U.S. alone! I didn't think it'd happen to me at all. The honeymoon phase of mommy hood lasted a good 5 months for me. I didn't understand how anyone could dislike being a mommy. Something had to be wrong with these women.
*cue sleep regression*.. And I suddenly wonder what the hell I was thinking when I thought I was fit enough to become a parent. My child is screaming at the top of his lungs at midnight for the 3rd night in a row and I'm .5 seconds from busting out into tears with him... alone... because his father works overnight. And now I'm wondering if I'm a bad mom cause I just for the love of everything that is holy want him to shut up! And that's not right is it? He's so little. He can't help it.
Being a mom makes you superhuman but you are still HUMAN. As mommies we become so wrapped up in our child's love that we forget to take a step back and decompress. And we need it.. God knows I need it! We spend all day meeting the needs of our household and it's super important not to forget to take a good step back and think about yourself. Take a moment to do something to make you happy. I am THRILLED when I get to take an uninterrupted, un-rushed shower! LOl big dreams right? But it counts! And frustration doesn't make you any less of a rockstar! It makes you all the more normal! Keep rocking it out mommas!
*If you think you or someone you know is suffering from severe postpartum depression please seek the medical help of a doctor or other professional.*
photo credit: Growing Better Baby Crying Life Kids Being Kids via photopin (license)