Monday, January 5, 2015

A Breastfeeding Mom's Inner Monologue....

Before Feeding....

"I wonder when he's gonna wake up..
he's been asleep for pretty long...
It's not time for him to wake up?
Hope he isn't hungry.
What if he doesn't know he's hungry?
God I hope he wakes up if he's hungry.
He has to be hungry my boobs feel like rocks.
Is that a lump? *feels boobs*. I hope that's a milk lump.
How would I ever know if I'm abnormally lumpy?
Gosh my boobs are full... "

During Feeding....

"At least I don't feel like my boobs are gonna explode anymore *sigh of relief*
Is he sleeping? Nope... Just taking a break.
He looks so peaceful... sweet baby.
OK kid... it's not playtime. Stop trying to look around with my boob still in your mouth.
OUCH! Why are baby gums so sharp?
You better hope you don't get teeth any time soon!
I have to pee.... I always have to pee *crosses legs*
Are you done?... No don't scream... Shhhh shhhhhh
Why is this taking so long? How big could his little stomach be?
Why was that so quick? He couldn't have eaten enough!
It's fine.. take your time..."

After Feeding....

"Phew! Finally! My arm was going numb!
Awwww! Look at the cute little sleeping face. #milkdrunk
Now if I could just lay him right........ CRAP... hes up!
I'm not re-latching you kid you aren't hungry.
You can't be hungry it's impossible!
Shhhhh SHHHHHHHH it's OK sleep baby!
Here you go... take the paci... shhhhhh
Why isn't it working?
Oh good he isn't crying anymore he's just staring at me wide-freakin-eyed!
I'm gonna be housebound the rest of my life. "

*This post was intended for humor. I love breastfeeding and wouldn't trade that opportunity for anything at all! But we all have our moments and if you don't then pat your perfect self on the back and know that I DEFINITELY have mine! LOL*


  1. Haha this made me smile cus it reminded me of when Addie was small lol.
    I guess that just means we're good mama's BC I used to b asking myself a thousand questions about her and the boobs lol

    1. Lol it's never ending in my head when it comes to my boobs these days. im sure my boyfriend thinks im crazy cause im always poking them.

  2. Ha! I'm currently breastfeeding my 4th child and have had these conversations many times. Keep it up, mama!

    1. Thanks! Supermom over there! I'll be happy to make it through the first!!

  3. LOL This made me laugh! I remember those days. #BLMGirls


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