Monday, November 10, 2014

Breastfeeding Chronicles [2 weeks Postpartum]

I figured I'd keep up with this breastfeeding journey since literally feeding consumes my life. All day there is a baby attached to me for some reason. I guess I don't mind though cause he's cute... And he doesn't have teeth yet. LOL. A little glimpse into what breastfeeding has been like for me for the first two weeks...

  • The first week was the worst week of my life. He had a really poor latch at birth and when they tell you that a bad latch can lead to sore, cracked nipples... #jesustakethewheel... You don't ever want to experience that.
  •  The lactation consultants at the hospital were crap. No one was able to help or explain to me how to get a GOOD latch. So the whole first week if it looked like he was eating I just didn't bother him. Big no-no. And I didn't see a good lactation consultant until his 1st checkup. 
  •  Because we both (me and baby) had no idea what we were doing I ended up supplementing with formula for like... 2 days. I thought he had nipple confusion from using a pacifier.. Which I then blamed on everyone in my house because I didn't want him having it. And the latch got so bad that it was a fight late at night to feed him so I gave up. For 2 days I thought it was over for me feeding my baby. 
  •  My right nipple split completely open during the second week. To the point where I worried that my baby would become a vampire cause it was bleeding slightly and I didn't want him to like the taste of blood more than the taste of breast milk. #dramaqueen 
  •  But on a positive note it really does establish a different type of bond between you and the baby. Despite bleeding and the immense pain and the frustration during the first week .. I love the fact that I have something no one else can give my son. I love watching him and talking to him while I'm feeding him. I just love him. #obsessedmama
how could you not love feeding this little face?! lol #milkdrunk 

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